Domain Extensions
FawGen is a name generator with a quick lookup feature to check domain name and usernames availabilities. Download it today!
APP STOREDomain Extensions
Social Networks
With most of the 2-5 letters words already taken, we set our engine for 6-16.
FawGen has several algorithms to help you find the perfect name.
But switching the filters ON, you can refine the way the Engine generates results.
Tap the speaker icon to hear how the name sounds in American English.
Tap the bar chart icon to check the domain and username availabilities.
Tap anywhere in the cell to drop-down the quick checker
A K.I.S.S. approach to securing a unique English sounding name, with potential for a great digital footprint is what FawGen is. 79K curated companies' mission statements and 1M+ Wikipedia articles were used to create the Engine.
The Simple case is where you let the engine generate random new names for you.
The Assisted case, is when you provide some keywords or a description, and the engine cooks unique names for you.
With 40K+ of the most popular American-English words, If a keywords is not in our corpus, we hightlight it, and process it anyway.
FawGen Engine is designed using a combination of Word2Vec (predictive) and GloVe (count-based) models.
If you come up with a name and wish to check for availabilities, this is the fastest option.
Nowadays there are hundreds of domain extensions, we've just picked a few that seemed popular.
Sometimes called ‘handles’, usernames are integral part of a good naming strategy.
Green is for available, DarkGray is for taken, and Red is for undefined.
Use this tool to dismiss rapidly the names or words that offer few domain and usernames availabilities and concentrate on the ones that provide a potential for a great digital footprint.
It is simple to use. You are only few minutes away from the perfect brand name, Startup name. What are you waiting for? Download FawGen right now!
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